Sticky Mess Causes Shut Down of East Loop 287 in Lufkin
Loop 287 East from the 59 south intersection to the 59 north intersection is SHUT DOWN. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO access to east Loop 287. This according to a release from the Lufkin Police Department.
The closure is is due to tar/gravel issue created from road construction underway by a contract crew. There is no time frame as of yet for the reopening of the roadway.
You are advised to use alternate routes such as Loop 287 West or Business 59 (Timberland Drive/South First Street). It seems the tar/gravel has been spread by passing vehicles from North Timberland Drive to South First Street. Use caution in these areas.
Lufkin Police Officers need to be able to get to stranded motorists who have immediate needs for assistance, but their emergency and non-emergency lines are being inundated with complaint calls. If you are stranded, call the LPD non-emergency line at 936-633-0356.
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