Nacogdoches PD Offering Free Teen and Citizens Police Academies
There are no shortages of camps available to area youth every Summer in the East Texas area. Through the years, my kids have been involved in such things as zoo camps and safaris, running and basketball camps, swimming camps, numerous vacation bible schools, and a few other camps that are out of the region.
The Nacogdoches Police Department is offering a camp this year and I think it's an outstanding idea. It's called the Nacogdoches Police Department Teen Academy. The one day camp will take place Tuesday, July 20th from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Nacogdoches Police Department at 312 West Main Street. The goal of the teen academy is to introduce students to their local law enforcement personnel and provide a basic understanding of police work. Some of the topics covered will include juvenile law, crime scene investigation, working with a K-9 officer, the dangers of drinking and driving, social media dangers and pitfalls, S.W.A.T. and much more.
The academy is open to any Nacogdoches County student entering the 9th through 12th grade. The cost is FREE! Registration will continue to be open until the class is filled. Applications are available in the front lobby of the police department. You can also call Sergeant Brett Ayres at 936-559-2618 or e-mail him at ayresb@nactx.us.
Also, the Nacogdoches Police Department will start their next Citizen's Police Academy on Monday, August 23rd. Application deadline is July 1st. This is a 12 week academy with a graduation ceremony. Topics covered include a station tour, hiring practices, traffic stops, criminal investigations, prosecutions, SWAT, firearms safety and much, much more. There is no charge for this academy as well. Up to 25 persons will be allowed to attend this academy.
Please contact the Nacogdoches Police Department for more details.
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