Lufkin Elementary School Honors Student with Chronic Condition
Chazz is a 5th grade student at Brandon Elementary in Lufkin. He is a wonderful young man who is easy going and has a great attitude. Chazz also has a chronic health condition. He's lived with Type 1 diabetes most of his life.
He plays and learns just like any other kid with the exception of having an insulin pump. According to Mrs. Barnett, Brandon Elementary counselor, "It's not unusual to catch Chazz in the hallway traveling to or from the nurse. He never meets a stranger and will greet everyone he comes in contact with in the hallways. Everyone knows Chazz, and he knows everyone. He is the type of student who brightens your day just by walking in the room. Chazz is a ray of sunshine. He has a big personality and brings joy to everyone around him."
November 14 is designated as World Diabetes Day. It is held on the birthdate of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922. Mrs. Barnett came up with the idea to mark this day and to celebrate Chazz by having students and faculty wear blue and donate to a good cause. Monday, on the campus grounds, blue balloons were released to celebrate the day and to honor Chazz.
Additionally, every student was encouraged to donate a dollar. At the end of the week, all they money collected will be donated to the Children's Diabetes Foundation in honor of Chazz.
"This is his life," said Yshieka Edwards, Chazz's mom.
Ms. Edwards said Chazz was very sick when he was young and finally got a diagnosis.
"We found out when he was one year old. It was a new world for us", said Ms. Edwards.

The main advice Ms. Edwards has for parents who have a child with diabetes is 'just breathe'.
"Seek medical advice, talk one-on-one with your doctor and nurses, monitor blood sugar, count carbs, have a good diet, find out what works for your baby," she said.
After the balloon release, Chazz said, "Everyone I know is here and having a good time, a very happy time."
To find out more about World Diabetes Day go to: https://worlddiabetesday.org/
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