Two Texas Cities on the Most Redneck List
A real estate company put out a blog naming the most redneck cities in America, and Texas has two in the top ten.
We tend to think of redneck cities being here in the south, but there are some northern metro areas that made the list.
It's fine with me if we're considered redneck here in Texas! Call us what you may, we know how to have a good time.
Here's what Movoto based the findings on: the number of Walmarts, gun and ammo stores and country music stations per capita.
What? No Texas Redneck Games considered? We loved that last July, that Spam-eating contest, the mattress chunk, and the mud pit belly flop. It happened near Longview. Perhaps we'll invite our friends from Movoto next time.
Here are the Top Ten Redneck Cities:
1. Atlanta, Ga.
2. Kansas City, Mo.
3. Oklahoma City, Okla.
4. Nashville, Tenn.
5. Tulsa, Okla.
6. Fort Worth, Texas
7. Arlington, Texas
8. Sacramento, Calif.
9. Cleveland, Ohio
10. Mesa, Ariz.
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