Lufkin Golden Corral Self Service Buffet Is Back
The isles and isles of food have been released in all of their glory. Turn up the chocolate fountains, let them over flow once more. If you never thought this day would arrive, rejoice. America, the land of the all that you can or care to eat, is back. If you have been craving Golden Corral, it's on. There isn't someone else serving it now to mind your portions. It is now time to fill up the belly.
Okay, perhaps a little too dramatic? Lufkin's Golden Corral has announced that they have the go ahead to operate as a buffet again. There will be new procedures and restrictions, that will have to be followed. I'm just going to focus on the fact they are open. They are there Monday - Sunday, 7 days a week from 11am - 8pm.
I am glad to see that infection rates are leveling off in our area, and we are getting a little piece of the freedoms we used to enjoy back.I haven't been to a buffet since March. I have been cooking up a storm at my house everyday. Even I think it might be time to give the dishes and the recipes a break. Even if you don't feel like personally going out again, they still have takeout.
There is one thing though. I just ask that before you walk out of the house, if you feel sick, if you have been sick, or in contact with someone that is sick with Covid-19 don't go. If you have ever been to a buffet, you can imagine all of the risks involved in mitigating disease. Especially one as new as the Corona Virus.
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