Canned Wine Is So Texas
At your Christmas gathering this weekend you might not be able to tell that's a can of beer or a can of wine in that koozie.
Canned wine is becoming a thing, and it's so Texas.
7-Eleven just launched its first-ever line of wine in a can called Roamer.
Roamer comes in either Chardonnay or rosé and it makes it easy for Texans like us who want portable wine for concerts, picnics or a day in the backyard by the grill. There are no corkscrews to mess with, no glasses to break, and no half-empty bottles to keep track of. If we can get the shock of getting the wine to our mouths in an aluminum vessel instead of glass, this could be a little bit awesome.
Winemag.com said Roamer retails at $5 for a 12.7 ounce can, and each one is13% abv.
Wine lovers like Paul Giamatti in the movie Sideways are probably freaking out right now calling it wine abuse, but what if canned wine is a genius new way to keep wine cold longer? It's not the reds that are being canned, just the ones that are usually chilled. And it just might revolutionize party and festival wine-drinking if we can suddenly carry our wine around in a koozie and hang with the beer drinkers.
I was just at my neighborhood liquor store a couple of days ago and noticed signs posted near several other wine bottles that said, "also available in cans." We'd better get used to the trend because it looks like Roamer has company.
We probably won't see high-end wine bars and fancy steakhouses serving wine in cans, but if you really love wine and have been praying for a portable variety, your time has arrived.
Let us know if it's any good, and if it pairs well with Christmas cookies and ham this weekend. It's here just in time for the holidays.
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