A Bottle of Wine a Week Gives Women Same Cancer Risk as Cigs
Listen, I am not going to sit here and pretend like I am okay. I have my fair share of struggles. I am forever grateful that one of my struggles isn't smoking cigarettes. I thought for sure just my obesity and genetics were my serious dangers when it comes to cancer. I was wrong. So so wrong. Turns out that my weekly bottle of wine is associated with an increased absolute lifetime cancer risk that equals smoking 10 cigarettes.
Think you're safe because you don't smoke cigarettes? Think again. According to BMC Public Health "For non-smokers of 1.0% (men) and 1.4% (women). The overall absolute increase in cancer risk for one bottle of wine per week equals that of five (men) or ten cigarettes per week (women). Gender differences result from levels of moderate drinking leading to a 0.8% absolute risk of breast cancer in female non-smokers." The study found that the biggest cancer risk for women who regularly consumed alcohol was breast cancer. Today is a disheartening day. My heart says wine but my brain says no to cancer. Will I quit drinking wine? Probably not.