West Sabine ISD Dealing With “A Threat To The District”
It seems to be getting more common to hear about threats being made towards school districts. Unfortunately, it's also getting more common to hear about people following through on those threats. But, it doesn't really resonate with us until it hits close to home. Well, one of those times just happened.
Last night, around 11:00, West Sabine ISD posted this on their Facebook page:
Since I'm a West Sabine alumnus, I try to keep up with things that are going on around there. Naturally, something of this nature caught my attention. Immediately, questions started to pop up. Thoughts such as, "What kind of threat is this?" and "How legitimate is this threat?" started circulating, not only in my head, but were voiced by others as well.
Many parents were saying that they weren't going to be sending their kids to school today, out of fear of what might transpire throughout the day. This is their right, and their rights need to be kept in mind.
Mark's Opinion - Take It Or Leave It:
However, something else to keep in mind, is that the school district's first and main priority is the students. I believe that they'll do what they have to do to keep the students safe. This is not a time to be bashing the district. As details come out, people will be informed. School threats are not common occurrences in tiny communities such as Pineland.
I still know several of the faculty and staff members at WSISD, and can say without a doubt that they're going to be doing whatever needs to be done to keep students safe. This is not something that ANY school district should have to deal with. However, this is something that, as I mentioned earlier, is becoming more common. It's the world that we live in.
So, before you put down the school district or the faculty and staff there, just remember, they're just as shocked as you, and they're having to deal with the same things. They're the ones that are choosing to go to work after knowing about these kinds of threats. Do you know why that is? For the kids. To make sure that the kids are taken care of. Alright, I'll get off my soap box.
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