Trade In Your Old Car Seat At Target In Lufkin, Texas
Did you know that twice a year you can trade-in your old car seat at any Target for a discount on a new car seat? The date for the event is coming up quickly, so get your car seats ready.
Car seats don't really even have to be that old to be expired. Most of them have a use-by date printed on them.
Six years from the manufacture date is a good rule of thumb that they need to be replaced. As your child's car seat begins to age, the plastic breaks down and outdated models might no longer meet the latest safety standards.
Get 20% Off A New Car Seat When You Trade It In At Target In Texas
The Target car seat trade-in window is April 18th - 30th, 2022. Bring your old, expired, damaged car seat and redeem it for a coupon.
The coupon is good for 20% off one car seat, stroller, or select baby gear. The coupon you receive in the Target app or can be used through May 14th, 2022.
Your old car seat will be recycled by Target's partner, Waste Management. This is a part of Target Forward, a great program you can easily take advantage of.
Target Has Recycled 1.7 Million Car Seats Since 2016 With This Program
Kids grow fast, and they usually outgrow their car seats just as quickly as you can buy them. That leads some people to reuse them or pass them down to others.
If recycling is important to you, and you want to ensure that your old baby seat doesn't continue to add to the amount of waste in the environment this might just be the program you have been looking for.
It's easy, and you could use that 20% discount toward new baby products for your family.
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