Komen Race for the Cure Helps All of Us
My parents have been married for over forty years, and I can't imagine either one of them without the other. They're both still in good health, but because of family history my mom will always be at high risk for breast cancer. That's one of the reasons why I'm such a huge fan of the Komen Race for the Cure.
The Komen Race for the Cure is celebrating its 20th year on May 12th, and if you can't find a race in Lufkin or Nacogodoches that's one to check out. Sherveport-Bossier City is also planning one, if if you're looking for motivation you can't go wrong with conquering the 5K or 1-mile fun run in the name of someone you love.
We'll see plenty of breast cancer survivors on the course, along with lots of other folks who entered the race in honor of someone they lost to breast cancer, want to support during treatment, or want to honor just for being an everyday, run-of-the-mill Wonder Woman. Do it for the female superhero in your life.
My aunt and grandmother on my mom's side of the family both had breast cancer, and my aunt ended up with it twice in fact. Both of those strong ladies ended up cancer free eventually after successful rounds of treatment, and I'm grateful for that. But because of the family history, that sent my mom into the high risk category. Mom was even on Tamoxifen once at the doctor's urging, which is a breast cancer treatment drug that can be used for prevention. I'm super conscious of it too, and get the yearly mammogram to make sure everything's all right with the girls.
Proceeds from this year's Komen Race for the Cure in Tyler will help with education and fundraising for breast cancer research, so the efforts to take that walk or run on a Saturday morning could save a life. Maybe even the life of someone in our own families.
There's still time to get registered for the Race for the Cure on May 12th, and "bust" out the pink beads and feathers and have a great time while you're at it. There's never a shortage of personality at these races, because we're celebratin' life and kickin' breast cancer to the curb.
East Texas is full of great charity 5K's throughout the year, and we'll have them here for ya. Road trips are good, especially when they're for a good cause.
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