East Texas Represents Their Geeky Side During Comic Con Season
We ventured throughout the internet to find a few of the comic conventions within driving distance in the East Texas area.
I should start this article by saying that Texas was ranked #43 in a list of the nerdiest states in America according to this article from AT&T. I didn't even know they made content like this, but that's not the point. Where the nerds at, Texas?
With the obvious popularity of the latest Avengers movie, we know that even the most normal of the normies are at least a bit curious when it comes to the world of conventions.
So instead of spending tons of money, flying to San Diego, and being smack dab in the middle of what seems like salmon swimming upstream ... We suggest you dip your toes in the metaphorical water by spending less than $30 and not being in your car for longer than 5 hours.
If you check the website Popculthq (Pop Culture Headquarters), you can see a pretty extensive list of conventions coming to our area. Most notably Comicpalooza, which is happening May 25th 2018 in Houston Texas.
Spider-Man himself, Tom Holland will be a guest. Think about that. Even if you don't decide to go, Tom Holland will be within a 3 hour vicinity of you. That's kind of cool, right?
Popculthq didn't, however, feature the Longview Comic Con on their list. The Longview Comic Con is June 2nd and 3rd, and it really makes you think about what other conventions are being left off these lists? If you've got a major case of FOMO, then you will either want to know about everything happening, or I guess none of it. I don't know how that works, I'm fine with missing some things.
The Greater Austin Comic Con is happening on the weekend of June 16th. If you were a fan of the academy award winning movie, "The Shape if Water," then you might be excited to see Doug Jones there. He only played the main creature in the movie after all. If that doesn't strike your fancy, the Greater Austin Comic Con will also have the American dubbed voice actor that does Goku, Sean Schemmel.
Delta H Con is another Houston based convention that will be starting July 13th. All these cons with have plenty of people participating in cosplay contests, or just simply walking around taking pictures with anyone impressed enough to ask.
There are three good conventions. One for May, one for June, and one for July. There are plenty other conventions happening in our area, but unless you are a diehard anime fan or just want to have an authentic comic book convention (no flashy stuff, just sharing, buying, and selling) then you'll have to do a bit more digging.
Go forth, and represent my fellow nerds.
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