It’s Fall, and That Means School, Football, and Time for Shots!
Fall is a busy time with the start of school and football games to attend. And when the weather finally cools off, Texas gets going with fairs and festivals and outdoor fun that was put on hold while the weather was too hot.
There's one more thing to put on the to-do list this fall. Get your shots! Flu shots are starting to become available at East Texas pharmacies, and the Texas Department of State Health Services says there's one more shot you'll want to get before it's too late.
If Texas keeps going at the current rate this year, the state will see the most cases of Whooping Cough since the 1950's. And they urge us to get Pertussis vaccinations.
Whooping Cough starts out like the common cold with a cough, but then a severe cough can develop that lasts for weeks, and it's highly infectious so it can spread from person to person easily. Infants are the most at-risk.
Check with your doctor or pharmacy to get the Pertussis vaccination, and then enjoy the festivals and football knowing you're protected against the coughs and sneezes of others. And if you're sick, stay home. Enjoy the fall!