Fire At House Behind Casa Morales in Lufkin
Here at the radio station, we get pretty curious whenever we hear sirens and/or see emergency vehicle go by. However, they generally aren't going to locations near us. Today, there was an exception to that rule.
There was actually a fire at a home behind Casa Morales in Lufkin. The fire was located directly behind the restaurant on Southend Blvd.
We weren't able to get any close-ups of the fire, but we did get some shots of the Lufkin Fire Department in action. Check it out:
You can see some of the smoke coming from the house on the right in the picture above.
We were even able to shoot a short video of the situation unfolding. Watch below:
This is all we have at the moment. If you're in the area, watch for slowed traffic, and traffic detours.