The Angelina College Aerospace Scholars have a connection to NASA now, and it's a kids' toy that has linked them.

The students built a Mars Rover out of Lego's  as part of a competition at the National Community College Aerospace Scholars event at NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center recently. The program helps math and science students with problem-solving skills, and has been available to Angelina College students for over forty years.  How do you build a Mars Rover out of Lego's?

The use of Lego's may make the whole process sound simple, but it was more complex than you might think.  Each student was assigned a specific responsibility that would help the group accomplish the goal, and a computer program helped guide them.


KTRE says the students knew ahead of time what they would be building and designed a mock Rover on paper, but had to construct the actual one once they arrived at the competition.


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