28th Annual Blueberry Festival
As hard as it is to believe, it's already time to start thinking and making plans for the Blueberry Festival in downtown Nacogdoches.
It seems like only a few weeks ago that I was making my way down the bricks of Main St., grabbing blueberry pancakes and enjoying all that goes along with the Blueberry Festival.
Now, we're only a few months away from doing it again. I mean, let's face it, next week is already Spring Break. After that it's basically two months until Summer Vacation, and then less than one month until the Blueberry Festival. That's right, the 28th Annual Blueberry Festival is set for June 10, 2017.
It's never too early to start planning, but if you wait long enough, it can be too late. To find out more information about the festival this year, you can visit tbf.nacogdoches.org. There you can find maps of Nacogdoches, you can sign up for the newsletter concerning the Blueberry Festival, you can get vendor information, and you can even find the Facebook and Twitter pages for the event. Also, you can order your official Blueberry Festival t-shirts!
Like I mentioned earlier, this is the 28th annual Blueberry Festival for Nacogdoches. Between the food venues, the competitions, the live entertainment, the vendors, and everything else associated with the festival, it promises to be another awesome year!
I'll see you June 10th in downtown Nacogdoches for the 28th annual Blueberry Festival!
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