What Are The Urban Legends of Nacogdoches?
Every town has secrets. You know, the haunted house down the street, the unexplained hovering lights, maybe the mysterious graveyard.
However, Nacogdoches doesn't have much in the way of urban legends - or at least they aren't widely publicized.
One thing is for sure, I personally don't know of the urban legends within the city limits. Of course, there is the one about walking into the Stone Fort Museum on the Stephen F. Austin campus while you're a student will cause you not to graduate, but even that one doesn't come with many details.
So, I'm asking you guys: what are some - or all - of the urban legends around Nacogdoches? Since I grew up in this area, I feel like I should have more in-depth knowledge on the subject, but I don't.
With Nacogdoches being the oldest town in Texas, it's bound to have AT LEAST a few stories of unexplained happenings or weird occurences, right? There are several ancient graveyards and dilapidated old buildings around that are likely to some sort of story attached to them.
If you're "in the know" more than I am, let me know what kind of urban legends Nacogdoches has floating in its history. And, if you can, get us some pictures, too!
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