
Man Boobs?  It Might Be From Your Favorite Beer.
Man Boobs? It Might Be From Your Favorite Beer.
Man Boobs? It Might Be From Your Favorite Beer.
Well fellas, if you've got man boobs and you're trying to fight them off in the gym by lifting weights, this might be some news you can use.  The extra flab might not be caused by aging or the food you eat, but rather by the feminine qualities of hops in your favorite beer.  Who knew!
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
There has been some speculation, throughout the years, that drinking booze can lead to intoxication, or even alcoholism. Because of this, Russia has finally decided to officially declare beer an alcoholic beverage as a means of keeping their citizens from turning into full-blown boozehounds. Like us Americans. I mean they didn't say it was because of us, but it's a good bet.