Mike Adams is a literary slop zombie; a mutt breed of surrealism and violence; a man who likes his metal heavy and his rock southern. In May of 2007, he boldly published a book of maniacal short stories entitled ‘Toilet Bowl Soup: Redneck Tales from the Armpit of America’ - selling more than 10,000 copies worldwide. However, in 2010, he released ‘Toilet Bowl Soup: The Holy Sh*t’, which sold about 100 copies - if you count close friends, relatives and other people who felt sorry for him. Mike Adams also co-stars in the films ‘Watch Out’, ‘Phone Sex’, ‘Wamego: Ultimatum’, and ‘Trust Me’. He has also contributed music to the movie “It Came from Trafalgar” starring Hank Williams III and Gunnar Hansen from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Mike Adams currently resides in Southern Indiana where he writes for a number of Townsquare Media websites, HIGH TIMES, Playboy's The Smoking Jacket, and Hustler magazine.
Mike Adams
Crater From World’s Third Largest Asteroid Found In Australia
After witnessing some of the damage that a dinner table-sized meteor did last week after crashing into central Russia, imagine the magnitude of destruction that would have occurred if that flaming rock was the length of 18 football fields. Now stop imagining, because scientists say it happened.
Dinosaur Footprints Excavated From NASA’s Backyard
The coolest thing we've ever found behind the house was a cigar box with our dad's stash in it, so this NASA find is pretty exciting.
Astronauts Wanted for Mission to Mars – No Experience Necessary
If you've ever dreamed of embarking on a journey to space but never quite felt like you had the chops to hang with the NASA elite, now would be a good time to try to locate an Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator and a solid pair of moon boots: you just might qualify to go to Mars.
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
There has been some speculation, throughout the years, that drinking booze can lead to intoxication, or even alcoholism. Because of this, Russia has finally decided to officially declare beer an alcoholic beverage as a means of keeping their citizens from turning into full-blown boozehounds. Like us Americans. I mean they didn't say it was because of us, but it's a good bet.
Whiskey Business: Does Bourbon Really Get Better With Age?
If the majority of top-shelf whiskeys require a 10-20 year aging process, then how are those distilleries just getting started in the business able to market and distribute a brand without waiting decades for their first batch to mature?
Study: Employers Are Looking for Drinking Buddies, Not Qualifications
Employers may be more interested in your ability to knock back a few cold ones with the gang rather than your professional qualifications, says a new study.
What Are the Least and Most Trusted Professions in America?
There are two types of people that no one trusts: politicians, and anyone selling cars. On the other hand, Americans think very highly of nurses. That is the consensus of a recent Gallup poll.
Five States Set to Expand Classroom Hours by 300 Hours
Earlier this week, five states announced plans to add a minimum of 300 extra hours to molding young minds in the classroom next year in hopes of strengthening the American student performance.