Angelina County

Can You Run With a Broken Toe?  Runners Are a Stubborn Bunch.
Can You Run With a Broken Toe? Runners Are a Stubborn Bunch.
Can You Run With a Broken Toe? Runners Are a Stubborn Bunch.
Maybe running just isn't your thing and you think all runners are crazy. Perhaps. I read that runners spend about a third of their time complaining about or running through pain, but they keep going.  There's a big 5K, 10K, and half marathon coming up in Lufkin this fall, and I'm just nutty enough to train for it on a broken toe.  Join me!
Underage Drinking Crackdown in Angelina County
Underage Drinking Crackdown in Angelina County
Underage Drinking Crackdown in Angelina County
You may remember a couple of months ago Angelina County Commissioners gave the Sheriff's office the green light to apply for a grant with the state of Texas to help crack down on underage drinking.  Deputies also got a $10,000 grant to buy portable breathalyzer machines. The sheriff's office is serious about enforcing drinking laws, and right now they're especially focused on breaking up underage
Voters Head to the Polls for Texas Primary
Voters Head to the Polls for Texas Primary
Voters Head to the Polls for Texas Primary
Have you voted yet? Election officials in Angelina County say more than 5600 people voted early, in the two weeks prior to today’s primary. The race for Angelina County Sheriff is one to watch. On the Republican side voters will choose between Allen Hill and Greg Sanches. Jim Hodges runs unopposed as a Democrat for Sheriff. The polls are open from 7am to 7pm today, so let your voice be heard.