Jen Austin

Ellen Trout Zoo Names Baby Tiger
The new lion cub at the Ellen Trout Zoo has a name! It’s been a summer of births at the zoo, with several intriguing new babies born. The lion cub has been named Sango.
The city says the name has meaning – Sango is the Yoruba god of lightning and thunder.
We’ve got a chance to catch a sneak peak at the little lion cub this weekend, but we’ll have to be on our toes.

Thieves Love the Honda Accord
The Honda Accord seems to be one of the most common vehicles seen on the roads, not only across the US, but right here in East Texas. Driving on the Highway 59 we see tons of Accords, mixed in with several domestic pickup trucks and foreign and domestic SUVs. I’m rockin’ a Chevy Traverse, packed full of car seats, diaper bags, and scattered discarded Cheerios. And you?
If you drive a Tahoe, rest a

Nearby Town Named the Oddest in the US
Texas has its share of strange town names.
The state is dotted with towns with names that stand out like, Nimrod, Bug Tussle, Uncertain, Zipperlandville, and Ding Dong.
But thankfully, none of those were singled out by a new article featuring the most unfortunate town names in the US. gives us the winner – or perhaps the loser in this case. It’s not far away, so maybe you’ve been th

Top US Small Towns Named
There’s something inherently cool about a small town. The people are nice (although they all know each other and can be in everyone’s business), there’s no traffic, and the stress level can be lower. I’m headed to my one-stoplight hometown in Nebraska for a little family bonding time next week and we’re planning to sit on the deck and stare at the trees, and ask the local farmers for permission

Don’t Make These Resume Goofs
If your email address is “” or “,” you ought not include it on a resume.
Including raunchy and inappropriate email addresses is one of the biggest mistakes you can make on your resume when you’re trying to land a new job. What are some other big goofs?

Don’t Drink and Drive, Especially Now
On an average weekend, drinking too much and getting behind the wheel is a bad idea.
But this weekend, over the busy 4th of July travel holiday, your chances of going to jail are even greater.

In Texas This Summer, Sunscreen Is Your Friend
Summer is here, and it seems like everyone is hitting the pool or the lake. Who doesn’t love relaxing on a boat with a few close friends, family members, and perhaps drinks with umbrellas in them? It’s all fun and games until somebody gets a nasty, blistering sunburn.
I got one of those several years ago at Lake Travis in Austin. My back was bare while I was on a boat with friends, I didn’t put

Missing Longview Airman to Receive Proper Burial
After all this time, some closure.
The Department of Defense has announced the remains of an East Texas serviceman, missing since the Vietnam War, have been finally been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.
Air Force Capt. Clyde W. Campbell is from Longview.