Students that have been active members of the FFA or 4-H during at least 2 years of high school were able to apply for a $1,000 scholarship from the Polk County Area 'Go-Texan' Committee.

That committee is ready to pay that $1,000 to 36 individual students on Thursday. (March 22nd, 2018)

The Polk County Area Go-Texan committee is pleased to announce this year's scholarship recipients. Each student will receive a $1000 to aid in furthering their higher education. The awards will be presented at the Barney Wiggins Arena in Livingston.

The recipients in grades 9-12, also had to meet requirements such as having applied for a college or vocational trade school, hold excellent current academic standings, and met the minimum testing scores of the ACT or SAT outlined in the application.

Here are the 2018 Go-Texan Scholarship Recipients below. We'll have pictures of the presentation ceremony after Thursday. Congratulations to all these hard working teenagers.

Livingston FFA (3)

William (Cody) Ross

Garrett Goodson

Haley Nicole Houston

Big Sandy FFA (8)

Kelsey Brown

Kamryn Wideman

Anthony Parrish

Allison Farrar

Britten Dickens

Kiley Cox

Rance Duff

Lauren Murphy

Onalaska FFA (14)

Kayleigh Ager

Victoria Newport

Caroline Wiggins

Thomas Brown

CarolAnn Samuels

Ashlyn Hodges

Shane Stephens

Darian Fletcher

McKenzie Hensley

Brianna Cougot

Shelbi Stutts

Jillian Steick

Michael Castleberry II

Jordan Jessup

Corrigan Camden FFA (5) 

Mariana Venegas

Sarah Suttle

Victoria Tyler

Nicole Castro

Audrianna Cueves

Leggett FFA (2) 

Esmeralda Casas

VaNee’ Sha’von Scott


Polk County 4-H (4)

Caleb Evans

Kristen VanWagner

Logan Youngblood

Madison Moffett


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