It's happened to all of us at one time or another, you're taking care of business on the porcelain throne and realize - THERE'S NO MORE TOILET PAPER! What's a 21st century guy or gal to do? Summon your toilet paper robot, of course.

Yes, it's true. Those friendly folks at Charmin have come up with a toilet paper robot that will bring you a fresh roll at your command. The little gizmo is called the RollBot and isn't actually available to the public. At least not yet.



Charmin wasn't finished there, they also created a SmellSense device that can be hung in bathrooms to warn the next guest if the room is safe to occupy or if they should let it air out a bit first.

But wait, there's more! Let's say you're at a big music festival and nature calls. Sure, you can probably hear the music all over the festival grounds, even in the sparkling clean porta potties, but you don't want to miss the visual of what's happening on stage. Have no fear, V.I.Pee is here with Oculus Rift VR headsets to wear while you take care of business. Don't believe me? It's all in the video.

All of these were debuted at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. Thanks, Charmin, for thinking of us in our times of need.

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