New CDC Recommendations Include Wearing a Face Mask in Public
The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways, it's hard to keep track. On one hand, we probably should have been washing our hands more often before hundreds of thousands of Americans fell ill to one of the fastest spreading viruses on record - so that's probably a good change for us. On the other hand, I'm not sure society at large will ever be the same after this current crisis passes - that's going to take some getting used to.
Even the way we go to the grocery store has fundamentally changed so much, I'm not sure what a Sunday trip to Walmart will look like in the post-coronavirus world. For example: I'm seeing more and more folks wearing masks and gloves inside the grocery stores. Honestly, I'm also wearing a mask. Look, I don't want to give in to the mass hysteria - but I also don't want to catch "it."
Get ready to see more masks in your local grocery store as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued new recommendations for American citizens unable to shelter at home. The smartest disease experts in the land are now suggesting that you cover your mouth and nose in public. They have gone to great lengths to clarify that you do not need surgical grade masks or N-95 respirators. Those are in short supply and are needed for healthcare workers.
The CDC is asking that you consider using a simple cloth covering for your mouth and nose in order to slow the spread of the virus. They have even made a handy-dandy how-to video.
Stay safe, and wash your hands.
How to Sew a Face Mask
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