McDonald’s Unveils the Frork — The French Fry Fork That No One Needs
We've become such an obese nation that now we're making our utensils edible.
In an effort to drum up interest in a new line of burgers, McDonald's has introduced the "frork," an "unnecessarily superfluous utensil" with a space at the end to place french fries that you can use to scoop up anything that falls while you eat it.
The chain will give away 100,000 of the frorks beginning May 5.
Mickey D's is pushing the new offering so much that they even recruited infomercial host extraordinaire Anthony Sullivan to star in a mock infomercial that pokes fun at the genre that has made him a rich man.
“Will the frork change your life? Probably not,” Anthony Sullivan sayso. “Will the frork improve your Signature Crafted Recipes eating experience? I mean, sure...maybe."
You gotta hand it to the Golden Arches. They've taken out their tongue and placed the frork firmly in cheek for a humorous bit of advertising.
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