Local Soccer Hero Clint Dempsey Announces Retirement
As I was scrolling through Facebook earlier, a familiar image caught my eye. It was a picture of Nacogdoches' very own soccer star, Clint Dempsey. This was the post that I saw from the U.S. Soccer Facebook page:
Indeed, it was a confirmation that the East Texas native had announced his retirement. After 15 years of playing in numerous games, including several world cup games, Clint Dempsey is retiring.
As you can probably imagine, I was pretty shocked. I mean, growing up here, it was a big deal to know that a national, or technically an international, star was from this area. To see him play on TV was huge. Especially when it came to the World Cup. It was cool enough to watch him on national TV, but it was that much bigger to see him on the international platform, playing for America.
He might be retiring, but he has definitely left a lasting mark on this area. There are posters all over Nac of him, people wearing his jerseys, cardboard cut-outs and - my personal favorite - the youth soccer complex in Nacogdcoches is even named after him.
So, with all that in mind, it was best summed it up this way: Thank you, Clint Dempsey.
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