Diboll City Council Approves 4-Day Work Week
The 4-day work week appears to be the coming thing. The Diboll City Council has voted join other municipalities around the country and "test drive" the 4-day work week for five months.
They want to see if it's the money saver and efficiency improver its proponents say it is. If it lives up to expectations, the council is expected to make it permanent.
Starting on the 30th of this month, Diboll City Hall will be closed on Fridays, in addition to the usual Saturdays and Sundays.
City employees will still work 40 hours a week, but those hours will be compressed into four 10-hour days - Monday through Thursday.
The "4 tens" work week is getting popular in business and local government circles around the country. What do you think? Would you be able to work four ten hour days per week, and get a long weekend every week? A lot of people do it, and studies show it has its advantages, and its disadvantages.