Amnesty at the Lufkin Library Waives Fees
If you just discovered an overdue library book under a pile of clothes as you were spring cleaning, you're in luck. You don't have to be banned! The library is waiving fines and fees as part of an amnesty period that starts today, and it runs for several weeks.
The Kurth Memorial Library says on its website that from that from April 10th through August 30th, the library "will remove all late fees and materials processing fees for any person who comes to the library and requests it. Please bring your library card or a current photo ID." Just pop in and ask for the fine to be taken off. How cool is that? It doesn't work with traffic tickets.
If you're like me and you've got a five-year old whose best friend scribbled all over a book, you can talk to the library about that, and they say they might be able to lower the cost of replacing that book. And then decide whether you want that little friend to come over again.
The point is, the library wants us to come back in and discover new things, and not let the threat of fines keep us away. They've got technology classes, genealogy resources, movies, eBooks, story times, and crafts and more.
The amnesty period runs through the summer, so we've bot plenty of time to take the overdue books in for that reprieve. Now, if only we could find those darn things.