WWE Hall of Famer, Rikishi, Coming to Lufkin Pro Wrestling Event
Saturday, September 17, a WWE Hall of Famer is coming to Lufkin. Rikishi, will be coming to the Tomahawk Professional Wrestling event at the Pitser Garrison Civic Center.
The main event of the evening will be the Lockdown Steel Cage Match featuring Rikishi as the cage enforcer.
According to the WWE website, Rikishi is a member of the famed Anoa'i wrestling family, Rikishi made his WWE debut in the early 90s under the name Fatu. In 1999, Rikishi returned with a new name and a new look that consisted of bleached blonde hair, hip sunglasses and sumo wrestling gear. The big man formed a wildly popular alliance with the duo known as Too Cool, Grand Master Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty. This trio was loved for their hip hop dance moves and for Rikishi's infamous signature maneuver — the Stink Face.
Rikishi was inducted into the WWE Hall of Famer the night before WrestleMania 31 in San Jose, Calif., not far from his hometown of San Francisco.
The Lockdown Steel Cage Match is the feature event, but there are numerous other professional and championship bouts. Some of the wrestlers you'll see include Mitch from the Spirit Squad, Jacob Fatu, Hammerstone, Tomahawk Champion Niles Plonk, Sid Sexy, Ryan Davidson, Nobe Bryant, Moonshine Mantell, The Savage King and many more.
This Thursday and Friday evening at the Texas Forest Festival, you'll be able to meet many of the wrestlers at the Tomahawk booth. Rikishi is scheduled to be there on Friday.
Tomahawk Professional Wrestling is proud to put on family-friendly events in East Texas. Over 4,000 free kids tickets were distributed to area schools. Doors at the Civic Center will open at 6 pm on Saturday with the first bout scheduled to get underway at 7 pm.