The SFA Gardens’ Plant Sale Is Coming Up April 6th!
It's that time of year again! Time for the SFA Garden Gala Day Plant Sale. There are two of these each year, one in fall and one in spring. Well, it's time for the spring sale.
And that sale will be taking place on Saturday, April 6th. It will start at 9:00 in the morning, and will run until about 2:00 that afternoon. But, you won't want to wait until later in the morning or early afternoon to go, because you might miss out on the plants that you want to buy.
The people that attend this sale are serious. They're up bright and early, and they're ready to buy. So, you have to be proactive and be there too!
Make plans to be at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center in Nacogdoches on Saturday, April 6th for the Garden Gala Day Plant Sale. For more information, be sure to keep up with the SFA Gardens Facebook page. There's even a Facebook event set up for the sale. You can get to that page buy clicking the link below!