Thanks To All Of Our Teachers – You Guys Rock!
Now that the 2017-2018 school year has come to a close for (most) of the teachers in our area, we need to take the time to tell them one thing: Thank you.
As someone who is the son, nephew, cousin, and - most recently - son-in-law of teachers, gratitude isn't something that always comes as it should. This is a group of people that put in lots of hours making sure that their students are ready for whatever is next. Yes, they do receive a "summer break" but even during that time, they're still preparing for their students that will be coming in under their supervision in the fall.
It's no doubt that these individuals don't get the gratitude that they deserve. They put in long hours for months on end, get a quick breather, then do it all again. So, for all they do, we all - myself included - owe them our thanks. They truly are the ones that prepare us for the next step.
So, to all the teachers out there, I say thank you. We see what you do day after day, and we don't want it to go unnoticed. We all owe teachers our thanks. After all, they have all influenced us in some way.
So, take a little bit of time out of your day, and thank a teacher. They've earned it. And they deserve it.