Some Lufkin Juniors Are in Physics Camp This Week
Summer isn't all about lounging by the pool, sleeping late, and playing video games. For some Lufkin students it's about keeping minds sharp and hitting physics camp, and it continues today. These teens are smart!
The physics camp is part of the GEAR program, and it's for students going into 11th grade this fall. Texas Instruments sponsors the camp, and awards each student with a brand new Texas Instruments calculator at the end of it.
And the students get a field trip too. On Friday they'll take a bus to Dallas and tour several spots including the Texas Instruments facility there.
None of the students HAS to take the class, but signed up voluntarily. Soon they'll be running circles around us adults, with all that fancy knowledge about physics, or rather "matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force."
Have a great summer ya all! I hope you also find time to text, play Minecraft, and waste gobs of time on social media like the rest of us.
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