Smash And Grab Nets Bumbling Thieves A Cash Register In Harrison County

It's another case of scum bags breaking into a business and taking something that doesn't belong to them just because they think they deserve it and now law enforcement is asking for our help in identifying these lowlifes.
The Marshall/Harrison County Crime Stoppers has released surveillance video of a recent burglary that happened at a convenience store on Victory Dr. It shows the group of three guys smashing through a plate glass window at the store and bumbling over the window frame to gain entry.
The clear video shows that one of the suspects almost received a pretty big piece of falling glass right into his back. He appeared to be shaken by it because he had trouble getting over the window frame to get in and get what he was looking for. What was he looking for, the cash register of course. Judging from the surveillance video that seemed to be all they were interested in. No beer, no pack of smokes, no lottery tickets, no honey buns, Snickers or Dr. Pepper Zero, just the cash register.
They were in and out in less than a minute and got away with the register and just a couple of packs of smokes.
Now if you recognize any of the guys in the above video or hear anyone bragging about busting into a store and robbing it, you are encouraged to call the Marshall/Harrison County Crime Stoppers tip line at 903.935.9969 or the Marshall Police Department at 903.935.4575 with the information. You may remain anonymous and could receive a cash reward if your tip leads to a conviction.
After reading through some of the comments left on this page, this one clearly stuck out to me.
It's not like the business owner is going to leave the full day's revenue in the cash register. With so many purchases happening with cards these days, how much money could there really be in that register? Help out Marshall/Harrison County Crime Stoppers by calling that tip to the hotline.
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