Several Boating Accidents Reported Over the Holiday Weekend
My grandparents had a cabin on a lake in Nebraska, and as I was growing up some of the best memories came from spending Sunday afternoons there swimming, fishing, and learning to ski.
My grandparents lived there year round, but with everyone else flocking to the lake during the summer, my Grandpa would always say Memorial Day marked the beginning of "silly season" at the lake. The lake was usually pretty quiet, but during the summer months the extra crowds, boaters, and campers changed all that.
Summer is busy for lakes, and it can also be dangerous. Have you read about all of the boating accidents that happened around East Texas over Memorial Day weekend? One of the accidents involved a Game Warden.
A Game Warden was seriously hurt when he was ejected from a boat and the propeller hit his leg. That happened on Lake Sam Rayburn and KTRE has more.
A man and a woman were killed in a boating accident along the Angelina River in Jasper County. There were three kids on one of the boats involved, but none of them were seriously hurt. Click HERE for the story.
Other minor accidents involving boats were reported over the weekend too, and summer has barely started.
Just a friendly reminder to have fun...and be safe.