It's a new high, or a new low.  It depends on which way you look at it.  American public opinion of the people who sit in the United States Congress has reached an all time low.  The all time high is the record number of voters who think most members of Congress are crooks.


The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 46% of likely voters now believe most members of Congress are corrupt.  That’s up seven points from June and the highest finding yet recorded.  Only 29% think most members are not corrupt, and another 25% are not sure.

A whopping 85% of voters think most members of Congress are more interested in helping their careers than in helping other people. That’s a record high for surveys stretching back to November 2006.

These findings come at a time when voter approval of the job Congress is doing has fallen to a new low.   Sixty-one percent of voters think the national legislators are doing a poor job.  Only six percent rates Congress' performance as good or excellent.

Here's a link to the questions asked in this poll conducted by telephone.

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