Please Say a Prayer for a Local Family in Need of Comfort
Praying is powerful.
Right now, there is an East Texas family that is desperately in need of prayer. A wonderful, beautiful child passed away due to tragic accident Sunday afternoon. His family, his friends and his extended rodeo family are grieving.
The purpose of this post is not to talk about the circumstances of this child’s passing, but to encourage you to pray. Please reserve some time to find yourself in silence and have a deep and heartfelt conversation with our Heavenly Father. Pray that those affected by this tragedy will find peace. Pray that Jesus will wrap his arms around this family and give them comfort.
It doesn’t matter whether or not you know this child and his family. What matters is that you offer your sincere prayers for them. There has been so much divisiveness in our world and even in our local communities, especially over the past two years. Our purpose on this planet is to love as God has commanded us and has shown us. Love your neighbor as yourself
Prayer is powerful in how it helps those for which the prayer is intended, and it is powerful in the way that it changes the heart and life of the person praying. Praying is real and affects change. How powerful and important is prayer? Jesus prayed to his Holy Father often.
There are many in East Texas who daily need our prayers. I’m not trying to overshadow their needs. I’m just trying to get as many people as possible to pray for this family. Then, if you have the time, say a special prayer for all others that are in need.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. May God bless you and guide you.
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