No Worries, It’s Just a Flaming Baton Juggler
Texas makes the weird news files again.
Firefighters were called out recently to put out a fire in a grain elevator, and it turned out to be nothing more than a guy practicing his flaming baton juggling act in there. Here's where it happened.
The call came in Sunday night in Fort Worth that there was a fire in a grain elevator, because at first glance it probably looked like one. When firefighters got there they found a guy holding flaming batons, and he said he had been practicing juggling them.
He extinguished them.
Why in a grain elevator and not the back yard with a few buddies? Who knows. He didn't give a reason why he picked the grain elevator. Texans are crazy. Thankfully there was no damage.
Maybe we'll see this guy in the circus someday. Or perhaps on a Youtube channel called "Fire Batons Gone Wrong." Be careful out there!
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