Maybe you've driven by a house and seen a dog outside chained to a tree or a stake.  That situation would become illegal under a new bill before Texas lawmakers, in certain situations.

In the best of circumstances, there is food or water within the dog's reach.  And some shade.  But animal control officers have seen too many incidents where that's not the case, and they've needed to rescue some dogs chained up outside in the East Texas heat.

Now Texas lawmakers are considering a bill that would make it illegal to leave a dog chained to a tree or stake or cable, or any stationary object when there's no food, water, or shade to give the dog a break.  And the chain would have to be at least five times the dog's length to give him or her room to move around.

They're targeting homes and yards with this law, and camping would be an exception.

Think it's a good idea?  If lawmakers approve, it would go into effect September 1st.  We'll keep you updated.

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