More Flooding For Deep East Texas
We have put off the rain as long as we could. Another day is here, and there is more wet weather in the forecast. Many communities in our listening area are dealing with more water than they can dispose of. Today (May 17th, 2021) Jasper, Texas is experiencing a lot of very high water and extreme flooding.
If you are in a flood prone area, or just have bad drainage in your yard, water can easily get in your house. They just aren't made to float, or be waterproof. Sandbags are an easy and effective way to keep minor flood waters out of your home.
Last week the City of Lufkin was giving away sandbags to anyone that wanted to come and fill them. If you missed out on that, you can always get sandbags at your local hardware stores. They will also have sand to fill them.
You could always just get some garbage bags and fill them with dirt you find around the house. With this much rain, it's hard to find some dirt that isn't mud though.
There are a bunch of different products you can use to get the water from coming in your house. The money and time you spend now on these items, will give you back a lot of piece of mind.
Even if your area doesn't 'flood' you can still get water in your home. Just take a look in all your rooms to make sure it's not getting in during times of peak rain.