Everything's bigger in Texas.  Even our babies.  A  Longview woman has given birth to a son who could go into the record books as the biggest baby ever born in Texas.

via pchevin

Janet Johnson checked into Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview Friday for a  scheduled Caesarean section because she knew her baby would be big.

She had no idea how big he would be. Her doctor and the hospital staff were stunned when he tipped their scale at 16 pounds, 1 ounce — about 4 pounds more than doctors were expecting.

Try to imagine a baby twice the size of the infant in the photo.

The boy named JaMichael is the largest ever born at Good Shepherd Medical Center, and hospital officials think he may be the largest baby ever born in Texas.  That remains to be seen because it's going to take a few days to comb through state records to verify it, or not.

His mother says she'll have to return most of the baby clothes she bought for him because they're too small.  The hospital nursery didn't have newborn diapers big enough for him.

The doctor who delivered JaMichael says 16 pounds is the size of most babies at the age of 5 or 6 months.  And he was born with a full head of hair.  Mother and baby are doing fine.

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