How Fast and Where Were the Fastest Speeding Tickets Issued in Texas in 2016
In 2016, the number of tickets issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety for persons going at least 100 mph was up over 40%. According to a report in the Houston Chronicle, nearly 10,000 such tickets were issued statewide.
So, what was the fastest ticketed speed and where did it happen?
How about 209 mph on Highway 190 in Coryell County in Central Texas. Someone on the back of a Suzuki motorcycle decided going 149 mph over the speed limit was a good idea. Maybe he/she was trying to outrun an Apache helicopter from nearby Fort Hood. I don't even want to know what the fine for that speeding ticket was.
Interestingly enough, a Suzuki motorcycle was also mode of transportation for the 2nd fastest ticketed speed of 2016. This also happened in Coryell County on the same highway!! However, the speed recorded on this stop was ONLY 167 mph.
When you sift through the top 30 fastest TX DPS ticket speeds last year, only a few were in or around East Texas (Cherokee, Montgomery, and Harris Counties).
Keep in mind, these are only the speeds reflected by the Texas Department of Public Safety. County, local, and non-DPS law enforcement data was not included.