Girl Scout Cookies Sales Are In Full Swing
You've probably seen the Girl Scouts set up outside different stores across East Texas over the past couple of weeks, and their parents may have passed the order form around the office. How much longer do cookie sales last?
If you can resist those scouts and those delicious cookies you have a will of steel. And you might be a little bit heartless too! Haha.
We're always looking for ways to help the good kids of East Texas. The Scouts sell cookies at different times based on region, and the girls to the north appear to be done selling the cookies for this year. That means the sales move south to benefit of all of us in Nacogdoches and Lufkin, and across the the San Jacinto Council for the next few weeks.
In Lufkin, the Girl Scouts will be selling cookies this Friday at Brookshire Brothers on South Chesnut and H-E-B on North Timberland from 4 to 6pm. They'll be in Nacogdoches at Walmart on North Street from 4 to 8pm Friday and from 10am to 8pm Saturday. Check out the abundance of times and locations HERE.
If you're like most of us, you'll probably have a stash of Thin Mints in the freezer that will last you into the spring. Unless you polish off an entire sleeve in one sitting, right? I'm asking for a friend.
Thanks Scouts. And we're always looking for good stories about the things your kids are up to, so if you've got one, please let us know! jen.austin@townsquaremedia.com.
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