Chick-fil-A Employee Jumps In Manhole To Retrieve Woman’s Phone
"My pleasure"
Chick-fil-A employees are known as the best of the best. This story from Action News 10 Corpus Christi keeps the legacy going.
Shauna Hall was getting her son out of her van in a Chick-fil-A parking lot when she dropped her phone. She happened to be parked next to a storm drain and her smartphone bounced right in. Everyone's nightmare.
According to her Facebook post, she had a "moment of loosing her freakin mind". She then went inside and asked the manager for help.
The friendly manager wasn't sure how she could help. Just then our hero arrives. Seth, the store’s Digital Marketing Director was just getting off his shift when he saw the two and asked what happened.
First, Seth refunds Shauna's order (her son had gone inside and eaten) due to her already having a rough day. He then offers his phone for Shauna to call anyone who could help. Calls for help himself to no avail. After assessing the area the two realized the manhole cover on top of the drain had no cover.
Without hesitation, Seth removes the cover (cutting his finger in the process) and jumps right in, because "it's manhole for a reason".
Seth emerges completely filthy with the phone in hand!
Shauna then "freaking hugged him".
Golly, there's a lot of good out there. Stories like this make me smile. If you want to read another story to make your day click here to read my article from yesterday.

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