Benefit Set for East Texas Girl Who Was Revived After Drowning
I'm a firm believer that miracles happen every day right in front of us. Sometimes the miracles are subtle, sometimes they're magnificent, and then others will make you drop to your knees, like the one that happened in East Texas on January 19, 2022.
An East Texas Miracle
Over two months have passed since 2-year-old Tessa Aycock slipped out of the house and went missing. She was found in a nearby pond, but it was estimated that she had been underwater for nearly 30 minutes. Her mom and others performed CPR on her and after 40 minutes without a heartbeat, her heart started to beat en route to the hospital. You can read more about that miraculous day here.
Bringing Tessa Back
Tessa's road to recovery over the past 10 weeks has been full of victories and frustrations. The toddler's brain was deprived of oxygen for over half an hour, which means that alternative medical methods and treatments have been and continue to be explored. From Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments in New Orleans to stem cell harvesting in Arizona, the Aycock family is doing all they can to bring Tessa back to the vivacious toddler she was before the accident.
These cutting-edge therapies and treatments are not covered by insurance. The money needed to cover these as well as all the other hospitalizations, care, travel, etc... is staggering. Thankfully, thousands have adopted the Aycock family into their hearts and have given in many different ways, but much more is needed.
Here's a Great and Fun Way to Help
This Sunday (April 3), a huge event benefitting Tessa and her family will take place at 58 Junction, just southeast of Lufkin on FM 58. BBQ Plates will be sold beginning at noon. Tessa is also expected to be at this event as well. There will be live music, a silent auction, and more ways to help the family. There is also an account set up at CBTx under the name 'Tough as Tess'.
Please continue to keep Tessa and her family in your daily prayers. Nothing is more powerful than prayers, and with Jesus, nothing is impossible. Tessa is living proof of that.
Tessa Aycock's Miraculous Road to Recovery
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