5 Fun Things to Do on a Snow Day
On days when traveling is not the best idea and you have to stay home, how do you make the most of it? We've got a few ideas, and most of them involve yoga pants.
There is something really satisfying about knowing you have to stay home. You're not lazy lounging around the house all day because a snow day has been declared and it's okay. And you're not missing anything out in the world because everyone else is supposed to stay home too. So put on the yoga pants or the sweats and make the most of it with these ideas.
5 Fun Things to do on a Snow Day
1. Movie marathon. Get out the big fleece blankets and the fuzzy slippers, and let the dogs curl up in your lap while you watch. If you've got kids they'll want to pick the movies and you might have to sit through some animation, but there are usually a few flicks that appeal to all ages and you can make a family day of it. When the kids move on, you can binge watch Game of Thrones.
2. Make snow angels. This requires more than a dusting of snow, but it's the social media thing to do when it snows in Texas because it's so rare. Seeing a 6'4" macho dude gliding his arms across the snow and smiling through the snow crystals on his goatee is fun for everybody. Come on, do it.
3. Bake. This is the time to raid the pantry and see if you've got enough ingredients to pull together some chocolate chip cookies or bread or homemade soft pretzels. Experiment with things, and if it doesn't turn out, you haven't lost a thing because you're stuck inside and you're not supposed to be doing anything productive anyway. Just play, and eat! And save the pizza delivery guy from having to make a trip to your house. He doesn't want to be out in this either, so make your own.
4. Play games. Video games are huge, but this is also a good time to drag out the board games you got for Christmas and figure out how to play them. You're stuck inside all day so you have plenty of time to pop the plastic pieces out of those little molds and read the instructions, and then give it a whirl. Or play hide-and-seek with the kids or play fetch with the dog. All of this keeps you from getting cabin fever.
5. Write letters. Your grandma has been waiting to hear from you, and this is a good time to scratch out a hand-written note and drop it in the mail. Or write a letter to a magazine telling them about an article that inspired you. Or write your Congressman with that great idea you've had for a new law that you've only told your buddies about at happy hour. It'll be good therapy.
Hot chocolate works well with all of these things, and so does a cozy fire crackling in the background. Snow days don't come around all that often and they're the perfect license to totally chill out and not feel bad about it. This is Texas after all and we'll be back in the 80s soon enough. So seize the day in those yoga pants, and we'll watch for your snow angel on social media.
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