What Kind of Thanksgiving Food Are You Looking Forward To?
Well, here we are again. Right around the corner from the Thanksgiving holiday. I don't know about you, but for me, this knowledge always brings the thought of food to the forefront of my mind.
For my family, it's always been about the traditional Thanksgiving meal. We generally fry a turkey, cook dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, etc. And that's a good thing, because I actually prefer a "classic" Thanksgiving meal.
However, there are people that prefer to change things up. Nothing wrong with that, it's just not my style.
Some people like to go simple. They go with sandwiches, chips, dips, and other finger foods. A meal like this could be considered a tailgate type of meal, perfect for watching the Thanksgiving Day game!
Other people like different themes. Maybe they want a Thanksgiving Day centered around Mexican food. Quesadillas, enchiladas, queso, and other foods such as these can be found on the table. Or perhaps, they want an Italian theme, so they make spaghetti plates, lasagna, or other pasta dishes similar to these.
What kind of Thanksgiving do you prefer? If you haven't already decided, you might want to get on that. You've got less than a month to go!
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