Wells, Texas Baby has Been Missing for 732 Days with No Leads
Having to pass along information like this is never easy nor is it something we like to do. But the importance of getting the word out far outweighs our reluctance to let you know. In this particular case, this story involves an innocent now toddler who is not home with his parents. This is the story of Armaidre Argumon from Wells, Texas and how he has been missing for 732 Days (as of this writing on September 20, 2022) with zero leads in his case.

When This Baby was Last Seen
Armaidre Argumon went missing September 18, 2020. He was only five weeks old at the time and was last seen on Old Forest Road in Wells, which is halfway between Alto and Lufkin. Within about four days, Armaidre's father, DeAndre Argumon was arrested and jailed for endangering/abandoning a child and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. DeAndre, however, was not providing any information to police as to where baby Armaidre was.
This Case Is Not Closed
Even though the active searching for baby Armaidre has stopped, the case is not closed. Someone must know something about this baby's disappearance. If you do know something, or have seen or heard something suspicious recently that may lead to a break in this case, you are asked to call the Wells Police Department at 936-867-5593 or the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, who has been assisting in this investigation, at 903-683-2271.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. NCMEC works with families, victims, private industry, law enforcement, and the public to assist with preventing child abductions, recovering missing children, and providing services to deter and combat child sexual exploitation.
Other Missing Children
Armaidre Argumon would be two years old now. He is one of nine children who would be under the age of five now missing in Texas since September of 2020. Two are siblings missing from Lampasas while the others are missing from Mineral Wells, Houston, El Paso, San Antonio and Irving. A simple search on the website for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (missingkids.org) shows all nine of those children.
Please, if you have any information into the whereabouts of Armaidre Argumon, please contact the Wells Police Department at 936-867-5593 or the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office at 903-683-2271.