TX Woman’s Oklahoma Past Haunts her with 20 Year Old VHS Rental
Remember those Friday nights while perusing through your favorite video rental store, you in the horror section, your mom in the drama section and then you'd meet up in line while begging your mom to let you rent "Sleepaway Camp 3" for the bajillionth time? Just me?
I am sure you remember those Friday nights where you'd rent out a VHS. Well, now may be a good time to check through your house to see if you have any unreturned VHS rentals because you could be in trouble- just like this poor Texas woman who found out that she faced felony embezzlement charge for two decades over a VHS rental from closed Oklahoma video store!
That's right, poor Caron McBride, originally from Oklahoma only recently found out that she had these charges when she went to the DMV to change her married name on her driver's license after getting married in Texas.

Because of the pandemic, online reservations were required for the DMV, when McBride tried to make an appointment she got an email back saying she had an "issue in Oklahoma". When McBride followed up, she was connected to the Cleveland County District Attorney's Office. A woman over the phone told McBride that she had been charged with felony embezzlement of rented property in March, 2000.
It was then that McBride learned that she was accused of never returning "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" to a rental place in Norman, Oklahoma. McBride believes the culprit is an old roommate she had who had young daughters at the time.
While the Cleveland County District Attorney's office agreed to drop the case, she will still need to expunge it in order to clear her record.
I think my only question here is which "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" movie was it? The one where she goes to Australia or the one with Ryan Reynolds?
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