The Texas Senate Has Just Passed a Constitutional Carry Bill
Back in April, Texas Governor Greg Abbott pledged to make Texas a "Second Amendment Sanctuary State". He was referring to a bill that would instruct Texas law enforcement agencies to ignore any federal gun laws passed after January of 2021, but another bill that fits the agenda has just passed the Texas Senate and is close to being signed into law.
KTVT reports that the state senate passed House Bill 1927 by an 18-13 vote Wednesday.
HB1927 would allow for Texans 21 and older to carry a handgun without needing to submit fingerprints, obtain a license, undergo training, or pass a written exam or shooting proficiency test.
According to the Dallas Morning News, opponents of the bill said the licensing process "works to weed out people who shouldn't be carrying firearms". The publication also points out that the Texas Department of Public Safety denied 2,422 license to carry applicants last year - many because of past criminal convictions.
Supporters argued that law-abiding citizens shouldn't be burdened with a licensing process to protect themselves, and that people with certain criminal backgrounds will not be allowed to carry.
The bill will now either be accepted by the House, or go to a conference committee if the House takes issue with any Senate amendments.
Governor Abbott has said he will sign the bill into law.
The debate over the bill has been dramatic, and today a state Senator from Conroe, Republican Brandon Creighton, collapsed during discussions. He was recently in a car collision, but the San Antonio Express-News reports he was determined to be present for the debate and the vote. The Senate had been at it for almost 6 hours with few breaks when Creighton collapsed near his desk, and he was taken away in an ambulance.
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