The Heart Touching Last Ride of a Horse and Cowgirl in Lufkin, TX
I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. To him/her, it doesn't matter.
I may be sad, I may be angry, I may be troubled. He/she is always there to lift my spirits.
Sometimes, I struggle with the words I want to say, but with him/her, the comforting quiet is the best conversation I've ever had.
I truly believe the unconditional love we get from our dogs, cats, horses, and other pets/family members is a blessing from God. They make us feel better and teach us to become better people. Because that bond grows to be so strong, it makes it all the tougher to have to say goodbye. Sometimes, those goodbyes are sudden, sometimes, we know they will soon be a certainty.
Sometimes, as is the case here, the goodbye captures the hearts of many.
Saturday, May 7, the finals of the Lone Star Little Britches Rodeo took place at the George H. Henderson Jr. Expo Center in Lufkin. The barrels were in place for the next competition. Except, this horse and rider that rode out onto the arena floor were not riding for the top time. They were riding for their last time. A time to give a young cowgirl her final memory with her beloved friend. A time to pay respect and honor a horse for his heart, friendship, and unconditional love.
The young girl is 11-year-old Aubree Scarborough of Chireno, Texas and her 'heart horse' is Buck. He had an injury to his front feet that was so extensive he wasn't able to be retired to pasture. It was past pain management at home and vets and specialists sadly gave the news that the only option was to let him go. Vets gave the family permission to have Buck medicated for this one last ride.
The heart-touching ride at the Expo Center in Lufkin was beautifully done and the associated video has gone viral (be sure to listen to the audio, as well). As you watch Aubree and Buck ride one final cloverleaf, say a prayer for them and their family, and remember just how fortunate we are to have family members like Buck in our lives.
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