Heading to The Texas Coast? Your Favorite Beach Might Be Filled With Poop
The summer is in full swing and many folks are still looking to make those vacation plans. If heading to the Texas coast for some beach time is on your itinerary, heads up.

There are several Texas beaches that you DO NOT want to visit.
Texas Beach Vacation
Who doesn't love a beach getaway? Whether it's a quick three-day weekend or a full week spent along the Texas coast, heading out for some fun-in-the-sun is a great way to spend some time resting and relaxing. The coast has lots of great options. Unfortunately, there's more to the beach than meets the eye.
Sharknado? More Like SHARTnado
What you may not be aware of is how filthy the Texas coastal beaches are, and I'm not just talking about trash. I'm talking sewage, human waste, fecal matter - POOP! It's a well documented issue, and the San Antonio Current reports that 55 out of the 61 beaches tested in 2021 by environmental regulators found unsafe levels of poop on at least one day during the year.
Texas Poop Beaches
The beaches in Nueces County really had some crappy results, with Ropes* Park coming back with more than 70% of its testing days over the EPA's safety threshold. Just north of Ropes Park is Cole Park, which tested above 67% of its testing days over the EPA's safety threshold.
By way of comparison, Port Aransas came back over on just over 46 percent of it's testing days.
*(lol. Ropes.)
Why are Texas Beaches So Dirty?
According to the report, scientist estimate that 57 million people get sick from swimming in poop infested waters in the U.S. It's not just oceans either. Lakes, rivers, and pools have the same issue with contamination. The report says that beaches are contaminated due to the polluted runoff and sewage overflows. Yep, pretty gross.
It's Not Just Texas, Though
Texas isn't alone here, as other states have also tested high in levels of poop including California, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Ohio, and Oregon. It seems like there is no escaping the poop.
If you're heading to the coast and want to check on the condition of the beach you're visiting, click HERE, and good luck out there.